About Me

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My display name says a lot, well at least till I bring home Effie and then I will have to change it to AdoptiveMomof5! I'm a single adoptive parent by choice. I work hard to balance my family and a full time career. My goal in life is to give my kids every chance they never would have had. They are so AMAZING!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Energy!

I will be perfectly honest; I am terrible at fundraising. I am a very private and independent person  and I don't like to ask for help - not just with fundraising but for anything...

Miraculously though, through the generous support of friends and family and some major penny pinching on my part, my expenses are paid up to date but it won't be long until some very big fees come due.

When I started the adoption journey to bring "Effie" home, I jumped in with both feet. I blogged, I had online fundraisers, and I even had a dinner fundraiser. But after awhile, I just began to feel like I was becoming a nuisance. My circle of friends and family is VERY small and so most of my social media connections are co-workers. I began to feel like in my professional position at work that maybe I needed to ease up. There were deaths in some of those co-workers families and fundraisers for their expenses. I felt like my needs needed to take a back seat for a while.

It can become exhausting and overwhelming from a financial standpoint once you commit to a child and it isn't hard to get discouraged and question yourself but then along comes a kick in the rear...My kick in the rear came when a fellow adoptive mom posted in a Facebook support group a picture of my child. She was advocating for her a mommy! I reached out to her and told her I was in process for Effie. She had just recently adopted Effie's best friend and said that Effie had cried and cried when her friend was adopted and begged that family to take her too. Oh my heart!!

Time to get my head on straight and get busy again....

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